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Basic Paediatric First Aid Training for Childminders

Minor, or even major incidents are not unusual in any child care setting. Even with supervision, children frequently sustain scrapes, bruises, cuts, bites and falls in the normal course of...

Data Management in Early Childhood Care and Education

The Institute of Early Childhood Development (IECD) in partnership with other Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) Sectors including Health, Social Services, Education and Community Development and Sports, joined together...


A Special Event for Childminders in recognition of their role in early childhood development Amongst other qualities, a childminder needs to, first, love children, be familiar with the theory of...

Sensitization Campaign on National Standards on Child-minding Contributed by: Institute of Early Childhood Development, proudly supported by Hunt Deltel

The Institute of Early Childhood Development National Standards Regulation, 2016 provides a set of standards that child-minders have to comply with in order to be able to operate legally. These...

Seychelles Participation in UNESCO-IBE Technical Assistance Activity in the Area of ECCE to the Ministry of Education of Cameroon

In response to an invitation by UNESCO-IBE, the Chief Executive Officer of Institute of Early Childhood Development (IECD), Mrs. Shirley Choppy and Dr. André Leste, the Director for Programme Coordination...

3rd Early Childhood Care and Education Forum

Denver Development Screening Test: How Useful? Sustaining national dialogue on Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) is a challenging task which the Institute of Early Childhood Development (IECD) has taken...

Certification ceremony

National Childminding Standards: Presentation and Certification Following successful completion of a series of seven intensive pre-registration training sessions which varies from early learning, interaction, safety, nutrition and child rights and...

Early learning platform (ELP)

IECD shares experience on ECCE with the World Organised by the World Bank, the Early Learning Platform and virtual discussion series provide an opportunity for countries to share best practices...

ECCE Professionals benefit from a lecture by Dr Naudau and Ms Sayre

1st ECCE Forum: Platform for Sharing  Good Practices Professionals working in Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) Sectors and prospective Early Childhood Teachers had the opportunity to engage in a...

Training of Childminders

Pre-registration, Sensitisation and Training Programme for Childminders on National Standards Caring for other people’s children is a serious responsibility and can be very demanding. It requires a variety of skills...
