A Glimpse into the IECD’s Project in the new National Action Plan (NAP) for ECCE 2023-2024

In the 9th ECCE Technical Team Meeting held on Wednesday 20th September 2023, the IECD provided insight into its projects outlined in the New National Action Plan (NAP) for ECCE 2023-2024 in Seychelles. Despite minor delays in some report compilations, all four projects are progressing well.

  1. The first project aims to establish a data collection structure for Early Childhood Development (ECD) indicators in the social affairs sector.
    • The goal is to make ECD information readily accessible for policy development and professional training. The primary data collection process, initiated in June successfully concluded by 31st August, 2023, meeting predetermined milestones.
  1. The second project. “Expanding Childcare Provision,” is focused on incentivizing large organisations and investors to expand ECCE Services.
    • It has made significant progress by finalizing a consultation framework and identifying target organisations, already conducting meetings and visits with some organisations.
  1. The “Sensitizing Parents: Creating a Stimulating Early Learning Environment” project engages parents of children aged 2 to 4 years from Registered and Unregistered childcare services through participatory session’s aimed at improving early learning home environments.
    • Initiated in July 2023, five sessions have been completed with encouraging feedback from parents. These sessions are scheduled to continue until November 2023 and parents are encouraged to participate.
  1. The fourth project is working to establish an online Early Childhood Benefit System (ECBS).
    • Space95, a selected software developer firm from procurement process, is actively developing the system in consultation with DICT and IECD, with a pilot implementation phased planned after completion.

These initiatives reflect the IECD’s commitment to providing equitable, inclusive and high quality early childhood care and education services in Seychelles. As the year progresses, the IECD continues to diligently work toward achieving these essential milestones, ultimately enhancing the ECCE landscape nationwide.

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